Previously known as National Women’s League of the United Synagogue of America. An organization of women belonging to sisterhoods of the Conservative synagogues throughout the United States and Canada. Founded in 1917 by the wife of Solomon Schechter, the organization totals more than 800 sisterhoods with a membership of more than 200,000 women affiliated with the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.
The goal of Women’s League is to bring the ideas of Conservative Judaism to the attention of the American Jewish woman. For this purpose, the organization fosters study courses, Judaism-in-the-home Institutes, and synagogue libraries. It publishes books for children, education and program kits, a magazine called The Outlook. The organization sponsors a comprehensive Leadership Training Program to prepare leaders for local sisterhoods. Its Social Actions Committee seeks to give American Jewish women a better understanding of their civic responsibilities. The League helps to support the Jewish Theological Seminary of America through the Torah Fund. It is one of the sponsors of the United Synagogue Youth and cooperates with other organizations in civic welfare and Israel projects.