See Union for Reform Judaism.
Popularly known as the OU, or Orthodox Union.
On June 8, 1898, representatives of fifty Orthodox congregations met in New York to organize the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. The affiliate synagogues of the UOJCA list approximately 500,000 individuals on their membership rolls. The Union also serves as a representative body for an additional 250,000 Orthodox Jews who comprise other elements of Orthodoxy.
The UOJCA holds a biennial general convention, setting the policies of the organization and discussing the status and problems of Orthodox Judaism. The day-to-day work is carried on by national commissions, including Armed Forces, communal relations, community activities, education, Israel and overseas, Orthodox Jewish Life monthly magazine, kashruth, law and legislation, Orthodox Union Association, public relations, religious standards, synagogue relations, and youth activities. By far the most famous and wide-spread activity of the UOJCA is its kashruth program.