RASHI (1040-1105).
Acronym of Rabbi Solomon Yitzhaki, a preeminent Biblical and Talmudic commentator. His commentaries are indispensable to the study of the Bible and the Talmud. He became a beloved figure in Jewish history and the subject of many legends about life, piety, and saintliness. Born in Troyes, France, Rashi spent a brief period of study in Worms, Germany, and on his return founded a Talmudic academy in his native land. The fame of this school grew rapidly, attracting students from far and wide. In teaching the Talmud, Rashi felt there was a lack of good commentaries to facilitate its study and undertook the task of providing one. Rashi’s commentary became a standard guide for every student of the Talmud. Its explanations are clear and explicit, written in a lucid Hebrew style. His commentary on the Pentateuch and on most of the other Biblical books are invaluable for an understanding of the Bible along traditional lines. These commentaries, in which Rashi makes full use of Midrashic sources, have been widely used by both Jewish and Gentile scholars. They have been translated into Latin and other languages.